Puppies arrived February 26, 2019! 6 males 3 females
Java is the first puppy we kept from one of our own breedings. She is a daughter from Buddy x Jewels 2016 litter. She has proven herself in the field earning her started Title and is halfway to her JH title passing every test she has entered to date. She is OFA Good hips/Normal Elbows. clear for EIC,PRA, DM,CNM,and HPNK. We are very much looking forwrd to her first litter in 2019!
This Litter is confirmed and due March 2 2019!!
Trapper is from For his Glory Farm in Corinth ME, He has Penn Hips 90th percentile Genetically clear for EIC, PRA and has his started Hunting title. He loves his family and has also fathered a litter in 2017 with Java's mother Jewels which produced our own Luke (Puddledocks Glorious Duckwalker)
Tess and Ed are being Bred the last week in February for an early May litter!
Tess is such a love! She is also a great mom! We are very much looking forward to her breeding with Ed this coming year! Tess has OFA good hips/Normal eyes and is clear for EIC, PRA, HPNK, CNM and DM.
Tess and Ed welcomed 9 healthy babies on May 4, 2019. 7 Yellow and 2 black. we do have a waiting list on this litter.
Ed is a solid boy from Big Thunder Kennels in Texas he is such a sweet lovable guy! He produces solid pups with good bone structure. he has prelim Good hips Normal Elbows . He is clear for PRA, HPNK, CNM,PRA and carrier for EIC . He has normal cardiac echo and Eye exam 2018 normal.
Addie and Luke will be getting bred early March for a May Litter of Black /Chocolate
We have anxiously awaited this breeding of Addie and Luke for this coming year. While Addie is awaiting the official results of her OFA exam on Hips/Elbows we are planning her breeding season! She had an eventful 2018 completing her started retriever title as well as competing in a couple of shows whee she did well!
Luke is the son of Jewels and Trapper 2017 litter. Luke has his started Hunting retriever title and will be working on hhis Junior Hunter this coming year as well as towards higher level training in preparation for upper level testing. We are very excited for his first litters in 2019 with our own Addie. Luke has also provided services to Addies mom Kami from Dream farm labs.
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